Institute Vice-Deans
Dr.Shady Abdel-Aleem
Vice Dean of the Institute for Education and Student Affairs
My sons and daughters are students of the Institute of Engineering and Technology Aviation, I am happy at the beginning of a new school year to Welcome to the Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology, I wish you and our institute continued progress and prosperity Your effort, your keenness to work hard, and your regularity Attending lectures, and always being informed Various sources for collecting scientific material The Institute's constant interest and keenness to provide all... What would achieve excellence and excellence for graduates of this The ancient institute, with the sincere cooperation of esteemed professors To make the educational process successful And taking the hand of their students To the road to success. Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology is honored You belong to him and he needs you to put in more effort to raise its status, our dear institute is necessary Exploiting his scientific niche to hone cognitive skills And your application so that you will be of benefit to me Egyptian society is represented throughout our region Institutions, companies and factories. In this guide, you will find everything that interests students about the institute, its programs, and the student services it needs Spend your studies at the institute with happiness and love, and remember Every student: You will find in this guide everything that interests students about the institute, its programs, and the student services it needs Spend your studies at the institute with happiness and love, and remember Every student, with my sincere wishes to all of you Graduation: Those beautiful days you spent at the Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology. And aviation technology, in order for it to have a distinguished position, our goal is to raise the name of an engineering institute country
I pray for your success Our goal is to raise the name of an engineering institute inside and outside our country inside and outside our I pray to God for success in your studies and in your current and future life. Finally, I invite you
Dear, finally
To participate effectively in the various student activities at the institute to raise the shares of the Institute of Engineering and Technology
Aviation, with my sincere wishes for a fruitful
and useful scientific and practical life for this country
With my sincere heartfelt wishes for success .
May God grant you success.
Prof. Shady Hossam Abdel Aleem
Vice Dean of the Institute for Education and Student Affairs
Dr. Najwa Al- Zayady
Vice Dean of the Institute for Community and Environmental Affairs
My sons and daughters are students at the
Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology I extend my warmest
congratulations to you at the beginning of the school year and every year to
you Good luck and good luck to Egypt, and we welcome the new students joining At
the Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology, the Institute of
Excellence and Efficiency in what it offers Of knowledge and knowledge
contributes to the preparation of generations of engineers in the fields Different
ways to bring our beloved Egypt to the forefront among the nations of
civilization Modern .
I am happy to welcome my children. The most
beautiful welcome is whispered in their ears These dear children promise
success in any field of life .It does not come by chance, but is achieved
through faith, determination, perseverance, and strong minds Equal and the
willingness to understand is common, but excellence is only possible The share
of those who possess the virtue of patience and sufficient ability to...Comprehension
and serious follow-up.The role of institute and university education In general, it is not only providing you
with information, but it is also giving you the ability The skills and thought necessary to
acquire knowledge throughout your working life Extended and successful, God willing, and
this comes as much as effective participation in Community and teamwork, which results in
the best achievements.
I wish you a bright future for everyone and for our country Egypt. May God bless you with success.
Prof. Dr. Najwa Al-Zayadi
Vice Dean of the Institute for Community and Environmental Affairs