- Head of Program
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمدٍ وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
أرحب بكم في قسم هندسة الطائرات بمعهد هندسة وتكنولجيا الطيران. تأسس القسم سنة 1998م، ومنذ ذلك الحين عمل القسم على تخريج مهندسين ساهموا في الدفع بعجلة النقل الجوي في مصر والعالم الى أعلى المراتب.يقدم القسم برنامجا متميزا في هندسة الطائرات يشمل تخصصات هيكل الطائرة، محركات الدفع، التحكم، والديناميكا الهوائية. يعد تخصص هندسة الطائرات من العلوم المهمة في العصر الذي نعيش فيه، نظراً لارتباطه بأهم وسائل النقل التي تختصر المسافات بين أماكن العالم. تهدف دراسة تخصص هندسة الطائرات إلى تهيئة خريجي طائرات قادرين على إنجاز كل المهام التي يتطلبها تخصص هندسة الطيران.يعتز قسم هندسة الطائرات بوجود نخبة من أعضاء هيئة تدريس يتفانون في تثقيف وتعليم طالب مرحلة البكالوريوس. إن قسم هندسة الطائرات له صلة مباشرة في تحقيق رؤية التطور لبلدنا الحبيبة مصر، فله إسهامات عديدة بما يتوافق مع رؤية البلد من خلال إعداد مهندسين أكفاء قادرين على مواجهات تحديات الفترة القادمة في مجال هندسة الطيران، وأيضاً بتقديم الأبحاث المتميزة لأعضاء هيئة التدريس التي تلامس أهداف ورؤية الحكومة المصرية.إن مهمتنا في قسم هندسة الطائرات باختصار هي رفع مستوى جودة التعليم والمحافظة على أسس علمية لمهنة هندسة الطيران من خلال تزويد قطاع النقل الجوي بمهندسين أكفاء ومشاركة المجتمع وذلك بنشر العلم والثقافة الهندسية، وأيضاً تطوير مهنة هندسة الطيران بالمشاركة بالأبحاث.
ختاما اتمنى أن يكون التوفيق حليفكم ونسعد دائماً بتواصلكم معنا
مدير البرنامج
د/ محمد خليفة
The vision of the Aircraft Engineering program is to provide top-quality education in the field of Aeronautical engineering, to engage in society-related research and development, and to enhance the quality of life within the society
The mission of the Aircraft Engineering program is to provide distinguished education to prepare a generation capable of analyzing, designing, maintaining and developing Aeronautical systems, and carrying out research to enrich the Aircraft industries to serve the community and achieve sustainable development
In pursuit of this mission, the educational objectives of the Aircraft Engineering program of the Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology (IAET), the graduate should be able to:
AM1. Apply the basic principles and concepts of Aircraft engineering to find solutions to engineering problems.
AM2. Use modern and appropriate methods and tools for Aircraft engineering.
AM3. Design aeronautical systems and their components to achieve the desired engineering objective.
AM4. Recognize the impact and problems of Aircraft engineering applications on society and the environment.
AM5. Work with contemporary laboratory instrumentation, design and perform experiments, and analyze and interpret the results.
AM6. Understand and resolving contemporary Aircraft engineering problems and issues that arise during design, installation and maintenance
AM7. Communicate effectively through speaking, writing, and using graphics, functioning collaboratively within multi-disciplinary problem-solving teams
The Aircraft Engineering program is considered the only scientific Program in the Arab Republic of Egypt in this field at the level of corresponding institutes
The Program of Aircraft Engineering is considered the second program in terms of establishment date, after the Program of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Cairo University.
- Students of the Aircraft Engineering Program receive practical basic courses, and accordingly the program trains students to work in the field of aviation engineering. In addition, graduates can participate in research and development studies and vehicle development after graduation.
Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology is distinguished by its
presence in a distinguished geographical location near all services
- Field visits are made to students according to the requirements of the course during the semester, organized by the head of the Program and the training Program at the institute.
- Competitions and contests are held with the participation of program students and the organization of student activities
- A scientific student conference will be held with the participation of all the institute’s students and students from other Egyptian universities, organized by the Fernas student activity
- There are several student activities that serve the requirements of the program, including participation in competitions, competitions, and scientific courses, such as the Firnas activity, the Exotic activity, and the Apollo activity.
- Graduates of the Aircraft Engineering program await a bright future in the labor market inside and outside Egypt, as the demand for engineers in the aviation engineering specialty is increasing, and workers in this field receive high salaries that guarantee them a luxurious living
- The Aircraft Engineering Program is distinguished by the presence of highly qualified laboratories, which are as follows
* Laboratory for jet engines and aircraft internal combustion engines
* Aerodynamics laboratory
* Unmanned aerial vehicle laboratory
* Mechanical vibrations laboratory
* Hydraulics and pneumatics laboratory
* Refrigeration and air conditioning laboratory
* Internal combustion laboratory
Aircraft Engineering Program Competences Click Here
Students from the Departments of Aircraft Engineering and Electronics and Communications Engineering at the Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology made a field visit to October Airport and the maintenance hangars at the Egyptian Academy of Aviation Sciences. The visit program included an introduction to the maintenance stages of aircraft structures and engines and the electronic systems used in aircraft.
Aircraft Engineering Program Specification Click Here
Aircraft Engineering Courses Specification Click Here
Program Quality Guide Click Here
Program Student Guide Click Here